Professional Development Course – BSDI

Interpersonal Skills Enhancement Course


The Interpersonal Skills Enhancement Course is designed to empower participants with the essential interpersonal skills needed to thrive in diverse personal and professional environments. In today’s interconnected world, effective interpersonal skills are vital for building strong relationships, fostering collaboration, and achieving personal and organizational success. This course equips participants with practical techniques, strategies, and insights to enhance their communication, relationship-building, and conflict resolution abilities.

Course Contents:

  1. Understanding Interpersonal Skills: Importance, Benefits, and Impact on Personal and Professional Success
  2. Effective Communication Skills: Active Listening, Verbal and Nonverbal Communication, and Clarity in Expression
  3. Building Empathy and Understanding: Recognizing and Acknowledging Others’ Perspectives, Cultivating Empathy, and Building Trust
  4. Conflict Resolution and Negotiation: Strategies for Managing Conflict, Resolving Disputes, and Finding Win-Win Solutions
  5. Assertiveness and Confidence Building: Techniques for Assertive Communication, Setting Boundaries, and Building Self-Confidence
  6. Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and Managing Emotions, Developing Self-Awareness, and Empathizing with Others
  7. Building Rapport and Relationships: Techniques for Establishing Genuine Connections, Networking Effectively, and Nurturing Relationships
  8. Active Listening and Feedback: Skills for Active Listening, Providing Constructive Feedback, and Receiving Feedback Effectively
  9. Managing Difficult Conversations: Approaches for Addressing Sensitive Topics, Delivering Constructive Criticism, and Handling Tough Situations
  10. Adaptability and Flexibility: Strategies for Adapting to Change, Embracing Diversity, and Working Effectively in Dynamic Environments
  11. Collaboration and Teamwork: Enhancing Collaboration Skills, Building High-Performing Teams, and Leveraging Collective Strengths
  12. Cultural Sensitivity and Diversity Awareness: Understanding Cultural Differences, Respecting Diversity, and Fostering Inclusion
  13. Conflict Prevention and Management: Proactive Strategies for Preventing Conflict, Recognizing Early Warning Signs, and Creating Positive Work Environments
  14. Resilience and Stress Management: Techniques for Building Resilience, Coping with Stress, and Maintaining Emotional Well-being
  15. Interpersonal Influence and Persuasion: Skills for Influencing Others, Building Consensus, and Persuading Effectively

Career Prospects:

The Interpersonal Skills Enhancement Course prepares participants for roles that require strong interpersonal communication, relationship-building, and conflict resolution abilities. Career prospects include:

– Team Leader or Supervisor

– Human Resources Specialist

– Customer Service Representative

– Sales and Marketing Professional

– Project Manager

– Business Development Executive

– Client Relationship Manager

– Public Relations Officer

Job Roles:

Participants will develop competencies in effective communication, conflict resolution, emotional intelligence, and relationship management. Job roles may involve leading teams, managing client relationships, resolving conflicts, and fostering collaboration across departments.

Training Methodology:

The Interpersonal Skills Enhancement Course utilizes a combination of interactive lectures, group discussions, case studies, role-playing exercises, and experiential activities. Participants will engage in practical exercises, interpersonal skill-building activities, and real-world scenarios to apply theoretical concepts in practical contexts. The course emphasizes active participation, peer learning, and self-reflection to enhance interpersonal skills effectively.


The Interpersonal Skills Enhancement Course is designed to be completed within a duration of 16 hours, typically delivered over multiple sessions or modules. The condensed format allows participants to delve into key concepts, practice interpersonal techniques, and apply strategies efficiently. The duration enables comprehensive coverage of essential topics and opportunities for hands-on experimentation and skill development.

Call us for fee details: +8801833102807

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Duration: 16 Hours
Level: Beginner