Welcome to PDC BSDI!
Training is a means to ensure specific tasks to carry out in accordance with a predetermined procedure. It is now a demand and necessity for any industry for growth and productivity. Through our professional development courses, we offer a variety of qualifications, advanced training and certified specialist courses where you can enhance your skills. Among our broad range of topics and learning methods, you will find a solution that is right for you. Whether you want to specialize, change jobs or get back to work.
- Question Based Participatory Learning model.
- Focus on “performing” rather than “knowing”.
- Emphasis is given on “hands on training/on the job training.
- Individual centered training approach to make each person competent.
- Training is monitored and feedback is given on individual basis.
- Brain storming session among participants.
- Power point slides for participants.
- Demonstration using different models, multi-media, audio visual aids and equipment’s intensively.
- Hand-outs for the participants.
- Role play among the participants.
- Interactive discussion.
- Competency based exercise.
- Icebreakers, games and case study.

Our Services
- Soft Skills workshop for Organization.
- Off-station or retreat for Professional Development.
- Professional One-to One or Group Coaching.
- Learning and Development consulting services for organization.
- Vendor Certification Programs.
- Customized Training for Organizations.
- Group and Individual assessment and Skills Testing.
- International Outbound Training.
- Masterclass/Bootcamp/Seminar/Keynote presentation.

Ali Ashfak
President, Bangladesh Computer Samity

Anowar Habib Kazal
Representative, E-Media